About Best Rate Guarantee
Best Rate GuaranteeWe promise you the best rate here, please book directly!
Should you find a lower rate from any other public website after booking with us (with the same room type, accommodation plan and number of guests), please contact us by filling in the form below and we will offer you with the same price.
Best Rate Guarantee Terms and Conditions:
- The comparison period is within 24 hours after the customer's reservation.
- Excludes plans for which membership is not available for members, benefits, contracted corporations, and general customers
- Excludes plans for which prices cannot be confirmed on the Internet.
- Plans with different benefits and content are not compared.
- Coupon discounts are not included in the comparison.
Inquiry about Best Rate Guarantee:
Please provide the information below in the contact form: The name of the website, The date and time of the reservation, the date and time of the accommodation, the name of the accommodation plan, the price.